Friday, December 7, 2012

Is PPO Dental Insurance For You?

PPO dental insurance stands for preferred provider organizations plans, and one of the most popular dental insurance plans available. As the name implies, PPO plans mean that plan holder would have to get dental attention from dental care providers and specialists, within the insurance company's network.

However, not everybody prefers PPO dental plans. There are others who found that getting dental services from in-network dentists, too limiting. Dental plan holders are not required to get dental care from these dentists, that is if they are willing to shell out money.

Is a PPO dental plan, the right dental coverage for you?

1. If your dentist is already a member of the PPO network, then it is better for you to get that PPO dental plan. You do not have to undergo the process of scouting another dentist just to enjoy the full benefits of the coverage.

2. If you are willing to pay deductibles. Deductibles for PPO insurance are relatively low, usually around $50 for each dental treatment.

3. If you do not want to any hassles with forms. When getting dental services from an in-network dentist, you do not have to file claims forms. You also do not need to get a referral especially if you need to get dental attention form a specialist.

4. If you want to enjoy preventive treatment like twice a year check-up, fluoride application, X-rays without spending minimal amount or nothing all. Most PPO plans would cover these procedures from 80 to 100%.

In the end, a dental plan would be suitable for you once you have balanced it with your needs. So you need to know what you need dentally, as well as your family if they are covered by dental insurance.

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The Rise Of Motorcycle Insurance Rates

As stunning as this may seem, motorcycle insurance rates are rapidly increasing and this is so because, the costs of repairs are rising, parts are also rising, and there is an increase in claims made. To meet with this demanding need, many insurance companies have been established as a result and discounts and deals are even offered. In order to ensure that you receive the best discounts on your coverage the following should be taken into consideration:

By installing anti theft devices this can lower your rates as the insurance companies feel that your vehicle is more secured. However, be aware of the high prices as you don't want to overspend. Take extra care in securing your motorcycle when not in use as the insurance company would want to know that the vehicle is safe. Your motorcycle should have a covered spot or structure, even if it means renting a space to secure it. Take a course in driving motorcycle as this can ensure your safety and also help to lower your insurance rates as you would be deemed a safer driver.

When getting quotes from different insurance companies make sure that motorcycle insurance is offered in their policy as not all companies include motorcycle insurance. Included in the insurance policy should be the following:

Replacement- You should be aware of instances where there is an accident and your motorcycle is totaled, you should be able to get a replacement of equal value. This also goes for motorcycles that may be stolen. Service call coverage - this means being able to have contact with your insurance company wherever you are in the case of a breakdown. By making sure this is included in your policy this eliminates you having to spend extra money by calling on services rendered by outsiders. For things that are permanently attached to your motorcycle, make sure you are covered especially for no extra cost. Ability to suspend your coverage when your vehicle is not in use. Who wants to pay for insurance when you're not even driving the motorcycle?

Several factors are relied on when determining average motorcycle insurance cost. As most of you would know, whether it relates to motorcycle or any other vehicle, when speaking with an insurance agent several questions are asked and its mainly to find out you risk. Some of those questions are:

What is your driving history? If you are guilty of receiving tickets or had accidents this can work against you as your premium would be high. How many motorcycles do you own? If this is your first, your insurance would be higher than if you owned more bikes in the past. What type is your motorcycle? Basic motorcycles are lower in terms of the premiums which you pay than the high powered ones. What is your age? For the older drivers, insurance policies are lower as they are more experienced on the road. Where do you live? Those of you who live in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the city, have higher premiums to pay than areas which are more quiet and safer. The Importance Of Static Caravan Insurance   How to Search For Motorbike Insurance Policies Online   Why Is Caravan Insurance Important?   What You Need To Know Before Comparing Motorcycle Insurance?   How to Get The Best Motorcycle Insurance   

What Is Streaming Audio?

I am sure that if you are reading this article then you would like to know what streaming audio is. With the advance of technology this has become very popular amongst many marketers.

Streaming audio is the use of audio on your website to enhance the appearance of it. I am sure that you must have seen many websites with audio testimonials. Basically these personal testimonials are used to significantly boost the sales.

Another important use are podcasts. These are useful stuff like interviews with experts in your market that will build a relationship with your website visitors. You can also submit these to the popular directories for additional exposure.

In this article I would like to go over some useful tips that you can use to make the most of streaming audio.

It is very useful to find out what is popular in the market at present. If you develop content focusing on this then you will get more people that will listen to your audio. Also make sure that the presentation you create helps the listener.

Use your own unique style of voice. This distinct personality will help to build rapport with your customers. You can also practise this a few times so that your presentation is polished. Getting people to like, trust and know you is one of the most important parts of the sales process.

If your audio is controversial, but informative and pleasant to listen to you will create a buzz in the marketplace. This will generate additional exposure and may result in a lot more sales.

Online Audio Advertising - How to Boost Your Internet Business With Online Audio Advertising   Choosing The Right Kind Of Background Music For Website   Internet Radio Station - The Source of Better Entertainment   Audio Streaming - How to Succeed   Improve Social Marketing With Custom Audio and Voice Overs   How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   

What Is a Trojan and How Do I Get Rid of One?

A Trojan Horse is effectively a type of computer virus that works by imitating something that users might want or find useful, such as music download software or even anti-virus software. This is to encourage computer users to download the Trojan, unknown to them. The user is therefore downloading this piece of malicious software themselves that goes on to attack their computer. These Trojan's will then infect the computer and allow the Trojan's creator to benefit. Typically, Trojan's allow hackers access to your computer; they are able to control your computer from their own meaning they can steal secure information it stores. If you store sensitive information on your computer, such as bank account details and important passwords, then they may be able to gain access to these.

So, if you establish or suspect your computer has been infected with a Trojan, how can you remove it?

There is software that can do this for you. If you have antivirus software (which you should always have installed on your computer) then you can try deleting the Trojan using this. Run a scan, and if the Trojan is detected is should give you an option to delete it. It may appear in a list of suspicious items. Where this is the case, select all the items you feel may be unsafe and delete them using the options available to you.

If you are unable to remove the Trojan using the antivirus software, you can delete it manually if you have a windows computer. First, click on the Start icon in the bottom, left-hand corner of your screen and click on this. A menu will appear, click on 'Control Panel' on the right-hand side of this menu. In the next box that appears click 'Programs'. Underneath Programs and Features in the following box click 'Uninstall a Program'. This will bring up a list of all programs installed on your computer. Here, select the program you wish to delete (the Trojan) and then click 'Uninstall', which is above the list of programs. This will uninstall the Trojan virus. Make sure you do not uninstall any programs that you wish to keep.

In an ideal world your computer won't get infected by a Trojan to begin with. Although you can never 100% guarantee this won't happen, there are things you can avoid to limit the chances. The first one may seem obvious; don't visit websites you are suspicious of, and especially, don't download anything you are unsure of. You should also avoid opening links in emails you are uncertain of, including those claiming to be from banks or government organisations, such as tax authorities. These are two of the most common ways that people contract viruses, including Trojan's.

Does antivirus software prevent your computer from being infected by a Trojan Horse? Yes, it should, but it is not guaranteed. If a Trojan is more advanced that the antivirus software designed to stop it, then you might still get infected. You are, though, much less likely to get infected if you have antivirus software installed, and you should always make sure you are protected and that it performs regular scans.

Andrew Marshall ©

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VPN Services Vs Proxy Services

VPN Services and Proxy Services - An Important Distinction As we work our way through Virtual Private Networks and how they can be utilized to ensure that Internet security is never compromised, it's important to distinguish the difference between VPNs and Proxy Servers. Once they are defined, our hope is that you have a better understanding of the differences and the various elements that can leave you unsecured with one of them. While both can grant you access to websites even if you are in a nation that censors the internet, only one of them can protect and encrypt the information sent and prevent others from storing or viewing your session.

Virtual Private Networks VPNs, as they are called in the digital realm, provide a private intranet that individuals that have log-in information can access. When accessing a VPN, all information uploaded, downloaded, or otherwise transmitted is encrypted, ensuring that anyone who views the transmissions is denied the ability to read or use it. Even other users from other segmented intranets on the same VPN provider are not given access to the information, so your browsing or sharing session is completely privatized.

Proxy Servers Often confused with VPNs, proxy servers also provide a tunnelled connection to the Internet. However, they provide a completely different avenue of service. Proxy providers give you a way to circumvent specific restrictions and access the Internet through another, international, location. This is important when government restrictions prevent you from viewing specific websites. What they do not do, however, is encrypt your browsing session, which can still leave you vulnerable to cyber-attacks or spyware.

When you are using a VoIP platform, for example, your VPN provider will encrypt everything, guaranteeing that your conversation remains private. If you have the same VoIP conversation via a proxy server, you may avoid specific roadblocks along the way, but ultimately the information is still floating "out in space".

Speed is another discrepancy involves the speed of Internet access. Virtual private networks will always tend to run a bit faster than proxy servers largely in part because of the technology employed. When you access via a proxy server, the proxy sends a request to the site, which then sends the information back, and directly connects you to the website. VPNs tend to work faster, partly due to the better hardware/network that is typically being used with such a service.

Use a virtual private network to prevent prying eyes from stealing your personal information, maintain a high browsing speed, and ultimately protect yourself from any other cyber-threats that exist.

Email Archiving Protects Your Data From The Wrong Kind Of People   VeriSign Secure Site Pro (SGC) With EV SSL for Securing Online Transactions   Identification of DDoS Attacks, Symptoms and Possible Solutions to Prevent Them   Why You May Want to Hide Your IP   SSL Certificates Help You to Secure Yourself and Website to Prevent Holiday Hoaxes This Christmas   

Warren Buffett Books

At the start of the most famous stock investing book of all time, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett opens the text's preface with a very interesting story. He tells the reader that to this day, there are only 4 investing books that he commonly references. The first book is well known to most, Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations. The book was published in the late 1700's and has been used by hundreds of countries around the world to establish their capitalistic roots.

The next two books he mentions were both written by his former business professor at Columbia University - Benjamin Graham. The two books that Graham wrote were The Intelligent Investor and Security Analysis. The comments are obviously profound because the preface that I'm referring to is for the second book. After Buffett talks about how these three books have pretty much shaped his entire investing philosophy, he then mentions that the fourth book is a second copy of Security Analysis provided by a family member of the late author.

Having read all three books, I can honestly say that the wealth of information is a bit overwhelming. The books are written at a graduate level and seem nearly impossible to understand for new investors. Although this might be an initial setback for most, perseverance and determination can help those determined few. Here's a quick overview of the information you'll find in these timeless books.

The Wealth of Nations This book is huge and difficult to understand. With that said, it's a book mostly about macro-economics. Smith teaches readers about the fundamental aspects of money and free markets. The part that I found truly amazing is how he takes extremely complex ideas and simplifies them. For example, his discussion on money and how it's nothing more than a symbol of the work conducted by it's holder, is something that will change your perspective on many economical issues. Capturing the 800 plus pages of this text in a single paragraph is almost comical to attempt, but hopefully these few sentences provided a glimpse into it's purpose.

Security Analysis This book is also huge and difficult to understand. The book is broken down into a few key parts, fixed income securities (Bonds), Preferred Stock, and Common Stock. The book was written during the Great Depression, so the companies that it references are often old and different than those of today. What's not different is the approach to valuing them. One of the most impressive aspects of Graham and Dodds Security Analysis is how they teach investors to value common shares in the same light as bonds and Preferred Shares. This is something that very few writers and investors understood then and now. I would highly recommend that any reader thoroughly understand most accounting terms and financial techniques before attempting to read this text.

The Intelligent Investor Although this book was meant to be a dumbed-down version of Security Analysis, I believe most novice readers still struggle with the books content. Although Graham was one of the smartest investors to every write, a lot of his ideas are lost in his inability to write for the common investor. One of the most important chapters in the book is where Ben Graham provides a physical representation of the stock market with a character he calls "Mr. Market." I would recommend reading this book simply for this chapter alone. It provides some of the most important stock investing guidance a trader could ever posses.

In the end, these three books took a middle class kid from Omaha to being one of the richest people in the world. Although Warren Buffett wasn't born with the expertise to tackle these complex books right off the bat, his hard work and determination where the guide to his success. Although I might not recommend starting your financial journey with these books, any true investor will eventually end up at their doorstep.

The Stock Market: Tips to Stay on Top   Are Buying Penny Stocks Online Worth The Risk?   Managing Employer Stock Positions   What Is a Bond's Yield to Call?   Ever Thought of Being a Trader?   Was It An Anti-Obama Mini-Stock Market Crash, Individual Stocks Down 1 to 2% Across The Board   

Ukraine Is The 5th Most Popular Source of International Adoptions by US Families

According to the U.S. Department of State, Ukraine is now the 5th most popular international source of adoptions by U.S. families after China, Ethiopia, Russia, and South Korea. It claimed that position in 2010 displacing Guatemala. Interestingly, Guatemala was the #1 source of internationally adopted children into the US in 2008. Currently, the U.S. State Department is not processing adoptions from Guatemala at all. The Guatemala program was halted over concerns of corruption and major irregularities. Vietnam has also been closed by the US Department of State.

Changes in Ukrainian Adoption Laws:

Many have expected a sharp drop in adoptions in the Ukraine since Ukraine changed the age of an adopted child available for international adoption without special needs to 5 years of age and older towards the end of 2011. In speaking with Olga Ivanchenko, Vice Consul at the Consulate General of Ukraine in New York City in charge of adoption and citizenship, she states that the level of dossier submissions from perspective international adoptive parents has remained stable.

Reasons for Continued Interest in Ukraine as a Source of International Adoptions:

I believe there are several reasons for this.

First, the age limit for adoptive parents was removed. Now parents of any age may adopt in Ukraine and there is no upper limit.

Secondly, parents may still adopt a healthy child under five years of age from Ukraine if a sibling is also adopted who is 5 or older. This exemption is encouraging more and more U.S. families to adopt siblings. I think this is great for the families and for the adopted children - maintaining the family bonds.

Finally, problems and changes with other popular programs such as China (where the wait for healthy children is over 5 years) and Russia (that has added significant hurdles and costs) will encourage parents to look for other sources of adoptable children like the Ukrainian adoption program. This is visible in the huge drop in adoptions in these countries in 2011. Closing Vietnam and Guatemala will also play a role.

Check out a great private site that has compiled adoption statistics from around the world. Hopefully, many families that were focusing their considerations on Russia and China will look to Ukraine.

It is also interesting that the number of girls and boys adopted from Ukraine is almost exactly equal, while there are more boys available for adoption.

With 24,000 children available for international adoption in Ukraine, there is great opportunity for the program to grow in the future.

Ukrainian Adoption Firm: What Parents Can Do While Waiting for Your Adoption in Ukraine   Learning the Whole Process of Adoption in India   Learning the Whole Process of Adoption in India   

Russian Kettlebell Workout

Russian Kettlebells are amazing! These kettlebell workouts may be the answer to maintaining a home gym or having an expensive club membership.

With Russian kettlebells you can develop superior gains over traditional workout methods and save lots of space in your home.

The man who teaches Kettlebell training is Pavel Tsatsouline. He is a former Spetznaz trainer. For those who may not know, Spetznaz is the Russian equivalent of the CIA or special forces.

As every high-risk agent would wish for, after studying some of Pavel's books you can definitely find out how to have explosive instant power ready at all times.

But, not everyone is a spy; in fact very few of us are. So what benefits does kettlebell training have for the average woman or man?

Russian Kettlebell Training can be a great way to lose weight, tone up the body, and stay in shape once you get it there with the added benefits mentioned above.

And not only that, kettlebell workouts may be better for you than weights. In one of his books, Pavel mentions some of the fitness tests that were used to compare kettlebell training to traditional workouts.

The kettlebell trainers seemed to be in much better shape according to Pavel. And Pavel would know - You can see a picture of Pavel on his web site. The guy is well muscled and toned for someone that avoids weight training like the plague.

Speaking of muscle and tone, check out the incredible Ab muscles that Pavel can show you how to develop. Pavel, being an expert in physical training combined with his unique experience and insight with Russian kettlebell training is fully qualified to show you all about physical fitness.

Whether you are female or male, Pavel can show you the way to fitness. He has also collected for our benefit, what he believes to be excellent advice in nutrition.

Another thing I think that is interesting about Pavel and his work is that he brings his colorful and interesting Russian personality into play. For example, just think of the title of one of his books, Power to the People.

Me? I find that title humorous, but if I had to explain why I think it's funny, I'm not sure that I could. It might be the underlying but subtle notion that liberation is in order for someone. Come to think of it, I guess liberation is in order.

Pavel wants to show us a better way to fitness and free us from our need to spend an inordinate amount of time in the gym and spend it more wisely and effectively, so that we can have great physical fitness and time to enjoy it as well.

As you can see by glancing at his pictures, Pavel not only knows how to develop an amazing physique but he also knows how to keep himself flexible at the same time.

Maybe now you can understand why I think this man has some answers to fitness that we might not be able to find anywhere else, nor all in one convenient location either. Follow the link below for more information.

Russian Kettlebell Workout   Russian Kettlebell Workout   

Historical Variations Of Chess Setup

According to historical evidence and the US Chess Trust, variations of chess setup and play began around 600 A.D. Alternatively there is unverified evidence of the game existing as far back as 100 A.D., based on archeological game pieces and figures discovered.

Chess is known to have begun following early trade routes out of India. Many derivations of the game have since been esteemed and popularized by world cultures. Originally chess known as Chaturang, was a long involved game wherein the pieces had less range than our modern-day figures. Pieces such as the bishop and queen were considered to be the weakest on the original board set up during medieval times. It wasn't until the 15th century that the queen became the most powerful game piece most likely popularized by European royalty. From there the quicker approach to playing made the game very popular among social intellectuals of the time and moving forward.

Some of the other cultural variations of the chess setup pieces are listed below to give an idea of the scope and evolution of chess.

Xiangai or Chinese Chess

Xiangai is today one of the most popular board games played in china and Vietnam. The object, similar to western chess, is to capture an opponents' general. Pieces included were: General, Advisor, Elephant, Horse, Chariot, Cannon and Soldier.

Indian Chess

Indian chess was played in the 18th and 19th century. From this variation the concepts of castling and pawn promotion became popularized. Pieces included: King, queen, Elephant (bishop), Horse (knight), Boat (rook) and Army (pawn).

Janggi or Korean Chess

Janggi was derived from the Xianggi and involves using a 9x10 playing board for set up. The game had twists which involved jumping canons and long-range elephants. Pieces were similar to the Chinese chess version.

Shogi or Japanese Chess

Shogi was introduced in Japan around the 10th to 12th centuries. Pieces included: 1 King, 1 Rook, 1 Bishop, 2 Silver Generals, 2 Gold Generals, 2 Knights, 2 Lances and 9 pawns.

Shatranj or Persian Chess

Shatranj is derived from the original Chaturanga. Earliest references are between the 3rd and 7th centuries A.D. This version involves an average of 150 moves and is a much longer game than its western counterpart. Pieces included: General, Guards, Elephants, Horses, Chariots, Cannons and Soldiers.

With the many variations of the game chess, it can be surmised it is one of the oldest games ever played. While historically and culturally the chess setup and pieces are altered, the basic principles of intense strategy in battle remain a through line.

Santiago De Cuba Board Game Review   Washer Toss - Playing a Simple Yet Fun Game   Tips and Tricks for Playing a Washers Game   5 Tips on How to Improve Your Chess Skills   

The Z Challenge

If you've ever played a game of Scrabble, then you know that there are certain letters to watch out for. One of those is the letter Z. Z is one of the most valuable tiles in the game because it has a point value of 10. And if used properly, it can score you a high number of points. Unfortunately for many of us, we know only a handful of words that start with Z, most of which we learned when we first started learning the alphabet. Zoo, zebra, zipper, zigzag... With only those in our vocabulary, building a high scoring Z word may be a dream that will never come true. Because of this, some of us even start to dread the letter Z as much as we do the letter Q. So, how does one overcome this hurdle?

The best way to build high scoring words that start with Z is to start adding them to your vocabulary. Having an extensive vocabulary words starting with Z will allow you to have more options whenever your draw that letter. You won't have to settle for low-scoring ZEE just to get it off your rack. It will allow you to make the most of the great opportunity you've been dealt. In addition, doing this will make you a more confident Scrabble player. You won't have to worry about drawing that letter anymore since you know you will be able to form a great word out of the tiles on your rack.

In order for you to start working on your vocabulary of Z words, you will have to start looking at a Scrabble word list for those words. Of course, you can also use the Scrabble dictionary to help you with your task but lists are often better as they're arranged according to word length which makes for easier learning. Now, there are plenty of resources online that can provide you with lists of words that start with Z from 2-letter ones up to 15-letter ones. Whatever list you do choose to start working on, you will have to make sure that it only contains words that are allowable in Scrabble. Once you do find the list of your choosing, you will have to decide how you are going to go about learning these words.

There are two methods of learning words that start with Z. One method, preferred by Scrabble tournament players, is to simply memorize them. For those who have a great memory, this may be the method for you. It'll definitely take less time if you just commit them to memory. Most Scrabble experts, if asked, wouldn't be able to define most of the Scrabble words they know. The other method, which is preferred by word lovers, is to learn the words by learning the definitions. Everyone knows that it's easier to learn something if you understand it. It's also much easier to recall. The downside of this method, though, is that it'll take a lot of time to go through the entire list. And you won't see the immediate results of your hard work because you'll be going through the list slowly. But, you can be sure that there will be great results at the end.

Whichever method you choose, learning more words that start with Z will definitely benefit your Scrabble game, not to mention your confidence. And the next time you draw that Z, it'll be a challenge you'll easily overcome.

Santiago De Cuba Board Game Review   Washer Toss - Playing a Simple Yet Fun Game   Tips and Tricks for Playing a Washers Game   5 Tips on How to Improve Your Chess Skills   Interesting Facts About the Letter V   Chess Basics and Strategy to Dominate the Home Game - Beat Your Friends at Chess 1   

Keep Active Mentally by Playing Chess

Most of us know that one of the most effective ways to stay young is to keep active and exercise every day. Exercise can make you feel good about yourself and has all kinds of health benefits including reducing the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, stroke, and high blood pressure.

Maintaining an exercise program also helps control weight, and ease stress, anxiety, and depression. You don't have to be a total health freak to stay fit, but research has proven that it helps to maintain your body, as well as the mind.

Forgetfulness affects us all and seems to get worse the older we grow which can be very frustrating and stressful in certain circumstances. The more stressed it makes us the more we forget! It can be difficult when under a lot of pressure to focus, relaxation techniques such as meditation and hypnosis can be a great help at times like this.

So the answer is to try and maintain a calm attitude and find ways to ease everyday routines that compound the problem. That may be easier said than done when you have a family to take care of, a job that takes up many hours of your time, and other factors and people vying for your attention.

Taking the time to exercise physically and mentally can prevent a lot of problems in the future as they boost production of the proteins that stimulate brain-cell growth and help the neurons work much more efficiently.

Mental stimulation isn't actually as hard as you might think. Researchers have established that there are a variety of activities that can be put into use to help out the memory department and can be just as useful to children as they are to the older generation.

The kinds of activities that can help you keep your wits and challenge the brain are very easy to access, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, chess, playing cards, word searches, or learning about a new topic are just some of the options available and all instigate growth. Look online for affordable wooden chess sets.

Research has established that when the older generation plays bingo regularly it helps improve memory and hand to eye coordination, as well as sharpening the mind it's also a great way to socialize, both necessary for brain growth.

It's never too late to go back to school or learn how to play an instrument, study a different language, or take up a new hobby. Not only useful for the memory and helping reduce the possibility of mental confusions, it can also be a great way to make new friends and expand your social circle too.

Most board games involve having to develop strategies to win a game thus increasing your ability to make decisions and relate to others in the real world. They are perfect for socializing and keeping an active mind and there are plenty to choose from too.

Think about all the traditional games we played when young and all the fun they involved, arguing over the rules with your siblings and friends. Monopoly, Scrabble, Backgammon and chess springs to mind as popular ones that most people grew up with and know how to play. Investing in a Lord of the rings chess set can provide a lot of fun-packed hours for the family.

Just like your body the brain also needs exercise to maintain memory, and keep reasoning and cognition at peak performance levels. A fantastic range of puzzles, cheap chess sets, and other board games and playing cards are available from good online game or toy stores.

You can even find themed chess sets and wooden eco-friendly versions these days and help protect the environment whilst having fun!

Santiago De Cuba Board Game Review   Washer Toss - Playing a Simple Yet Fun Game   Tips and Tricks for Playing a Washers Game   5 Tips on How to Improve Your Chess Skills   Interesting Facts About the Letter V   

How Christian Board Games Can Help Spiritual Growth

With Christian board games, people will have lots of fun while learning more of God's Word. It's a great way to spend family night. Through games like these, teaching could be interesting and entertaining. Playing Christian board games with your children is a great time for bonding and spending quality time with them.

Parents say that family entertainment encourages togetherness and they welcome an educational alternative to television and movies. Moms and dads could share some Bible insights while playing the game, especially if your children have questions about Biblical matters. You could also make this time as a teaching moment with them about the importance of learning spiritual things.

There are a lot of moral lessons that you and your children could learn while playing Christian board games. Many children find reading to be boring. They want to see pictures so they can use their imagination and visualization to bring the stories of the Bible to life. It will make the learning process more fun and not boring at all. Children will be enjoying these games so much, they might not even realize you're trying to teach them something.

There are lots of ways you can strengthen your spiritual growth. You may go to church regularly, attend praise and worship, read Biblical materials, attend Bible studies and many more. However, it will not hurt you to play a Christian board game as a supplement. Look at it as the next best thing if you are for some reason unable to go anywhere. You are still strengthening your bond with God and testing your scriptural knowledge.

We know that it is very important to read to read the Bible. Some of us have a hard time reading and understanding it and some would even find it hard to give some time to read it. But others would still want to learn what the Bible says, so they created ways to help people enjoy learning the Bible. Christian board games was invented for this purpose. Not only do they make the Bible more interesting and enjoyable to learn for people of all ages, it also enhances one's verbal skills, knowledge on Bible trivia, a quick mind and creative thinking.

So if you want to know more about the Bible, try playing these Christian board games. They will help you understand the Bible in an easy way at the same time enjoying it.

Santiago De Cuba Board Game Review   Washer Toss - Playing a Simple Yet Fun Game   Tips and Tricks for Playing a Washers Game   5 Tips on How to Improve Your Chess Skills   Interesting Facts About the Letter V   Chess Basics and Strategy to Dominate the Home Game - Beat Your Friends at Chess 1   

What Scrabble Players Need to Know About the Letter J

The letter J is an important letter in the game of Scrabble. It is worth 8 points, equivalent to the letter X. For most casual Scrabble players, the letter J is the least difficult to build words with in comparison to the other high value ones. However, when they actually draw the tile, they suddenly realize that they don't know a lot of words starting with J. This is because the letter J, similar to its other high value counterparts, is rarely used in the English language. It's why it has such a high value in the game of Scrabble. Now, since the object of the game is to earn a large number of points from the words you build, drawing the letter J should make you jump for joy, not make you say "jeez." And for that to happen, you will need to work on your J game.

With such a high value attached to this particular letter, any Scrabble player should make the most out of the opportunity to score big with it. To do so, the most obvious thing to do is to learn more words that start with J. However, in any J word list you look at online, you would see that there are hundreds of them. In comparison to most letters in the English language, it's only a handful. Still, committing all of them to memory is going to take quite a bit of time. And while doing so can greatly boost your Scrabble performance, there is only one J tile and you might not even be the one to draw it. So, it's best to refine your list to only include the important ones.

Some would say that learning 7-letter words that start with J is best since it enables you to play a bingo with such a high value tile. Unfortunately, though there are quite a lot of 7-letter words starting with J, a lot of them require double vowels or consonants. Also, building a bingo word is hard. That is, unless you'll be building off a bingo stem which uses frequently occurring letters like T, I, S, A, N, E, and R. None of these is a J. Thus, those shouldn't be included in your list.

The words starting with J that you really need to know are the short ones. These words are typically high scoring but require less tiles to build. In addition, there are only a few 2 and 3-letter words that start with J and most of them can be hooked with an S to make them plural. In fact, there's only one two-letter word that starts with J which is JO (Scottish word for sweetheart). The great thing about this is that you can build more words off of that. JOE, JOB, JOY, JOG, JOT, JOLT, and the list goes on. While there may be only one J tile, knowing some of these important words can help make a single opportunity seem more like the goose laying one golden egg after another.

When it comes to building high scoring words out of high value letters, knowing the right words that start with J does the job.

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Review: Kreta

Game Overview

When I bought this game I didn't know exactly what to expect. I just wanted something easy to learn and easy to explain so I could play with people that aren't used to play boardgames. Did Trans Europa meet my expectations?

The theme of the game is very simple. Railways across Europe. Each player's goal is to connect his 5 cities with rails. Upon achieving this, the game ends.

Each player chooses a color, places his starting marker in front of him and his locomotive as a scoring marker at the top of the scoring track (in the trainhouse). The city cards are sorted by color (5 different colours: red, green, blue, orange and yellow) and each color is shuffled separately and placed face down near the board. Each player draws 1 card from each color and looks at them secretly. The cities represented by these cards are the cities the player must connect. The first player is chosen and he puts the starting player card in front of him. The game is ready to begin. Beginning with the first player and taking turns in clockwise order each player places his start marker in any vacant intersection (even a city) on the board. This is going to be the starting point for his railway system. After all players have placed their starting markers, the expansion of the railways begins. Each player must do one of the following actions:

· Put 1 or 2 rails on unoccupied single lines

· Put 1 rail on an unoccupied double line

But be careful! Rails can only be placed on the railway network defined by the starting marker of each player, that is, adjacent to the starting marker or to another track that is connected through other tracks to his starting marker.

An important note is that a player may connect his railway system with another's and continue as if it was his own. And this is why the game, even though it may seem simple and without depth at first, in reality has a lot a strategy and every decision counts. You have to expand cleverly your own railway without helping the others and at the same time take advantage of the other railway networks to achieve your goal. As soon as a player connects all 5 cities, the round ends immediately. All other players determine how many pieces of track they needed to place, to connect their 5 cities. When counting the missing tracks, each player counts: 1 point for each missing track over flat land (with a single line) and 2 points for each track over river, mountain, or sea (with a double line). These are negative points. For each point counted, the player moves his locomotive downward one space in the direction of the red space at the bottom of the scoring track. Now the next round begins. As soon as a player's locomotive moves to 0 or beyond (red space at the bottom of the scoring track) the game ends and the player with the highest score wins the game.

First Impressions

Opening the box you come across: one small 2-page rulebook, a game board, a lot of wooden pieces (representing the rails (all in black colour) plus the starting marker and locomotive for each player) and 36 city cards in 5 colour groups. It takes you no more than 5 minutes to familiarize with the rules and 2 more minutes to explain it to the rest of the players. Now you are ready for your first game. So, is it really worth it or is it too simple and boring? For me Trans Europa is just fine!

A very fun, easy to learn and play, game. It can be played as a filler between heavy weighted games and it's also useful for new gamers in order to get introduced to this kind of games. If you like route / network building board games like Ticket To Ride, Thurn And Taxis etc and you are looking for something even easier, Trans Europa is strongly recommended.


Small box, big board (map), a lot of wooden pieces (the rails, locomotives and starting markers) and 36 colour cards representing the cities of Europe. Nothing special but does the job for this kind of game. 6/10


A network building game following the path of Ticket to Ride and Thurn and Taxis. It looks simple in the beginning but has in fact more depth than you can imagine. There is enough challenge and it can be very addictive. 7/10

Learning Curve

Very easy to learn and play. Suitable for any group of players. In 10' minutes at most you'll be ready to play your first game. 9/10


The theme of the game is nothing special but it sufficiently supports the gameplay. A map of Europe and a railway system across Europe. What more could we ask from a simple game like this? 6/10


Once you start it's difficult to stop. It can be played even for hours, one game after another. Replayability is guaranteed because every game is different. Very addictive, will always find its way through your sessions. 8/10


This is what matters most in games like this one. To have fun. There is no reason to burn your brain by thinking too much. Just sit and enjoy. 7/10


· Fun, simple and easy to learn

· Can be played by different kind of gamers

· Nice board and components despite the size of its box

· Enough Replayability


· May be too easy for some people but in fact...that's its purpose.

Overall: 7.2 / 10

Like this game? Find more about it in:

Santiago De Cuba Board Game Review   Washer Toss - Playing a Simple Yet Fun Game   Tips and Tricks for Playing a Washers Game   5 Tips on How to Improve Your Chess Skills   Interesting Facts About the Letter V   Chess Basics and Strategy to Dominate the Home Game - Beat Your Friends at Chess 1   

Bohnanza Board Game Review

Bohnanza is AWESOME. It is probably the most instantly enjoyable "board game" out there. I put board game in quotes, because it is essentially a card game - and it is all about trading. Each game takes about 45 minutes to an hour to play, depending on the speed of the players.

Bohnanza is a trading game. You get cards, which represent beans, and you can plant your beans in your fields, which return you gold once they are harvested. You are only allowed to plant beans in two fields however (you can buy a third later on in the game), and you can't plant more than one variety of bean in a certain field.

The decision to plant a certain bean in your field is a crucial game-changing choice. Once planted, you are dedicating yourself to the acquisition of that certain bean variety, and you will try to trade for those beans during the game with other players.

There are 12 or so different varieties of beans (depending on the amount of players, you add or remove some of the rare bean types). Some bean varieties require four of its beans on a certain field before you can harvest a gold piece for them, while others are instantly worth a single gold with a single bean.

Once a game of Bohnanza begins, it becomes it's own little economy. All you hear for the next hour are trade offers being thrown around the table from all sides, which causes rifts, battles, and overall a lot of fun. While playing, you need to be aware of what kinds of beans are currently in demand in the market (around the table). If you can successfully plant beans that are low in demand each time you plant a new variety, you will often be successful.

I struggled to rate the replay value of Bohnanza simply because it is enormously high for the first 30 or so times you play the game. I set it at 3.5 stars because after you play the game over and over and over, players begin to recognize that a trade is either beneficial or not - and you don't often see a mutually beneficial trade happen. This resulted in a number of stalemates in games between highly experienced players. That said, overall, you can't afford NOT to try Bohnanza out. It's easy to learn and immensely enjoyable. It is 10/10 fun. (3-5 players)

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